Pretty fun for awhile.But you may grow bored with it in the long run.

User Rating: 8.1 | World of Warcraft PC
First off I hav actually played this game for a good amount of time.I have a level 60 character.This game is probably the last of the classic style of MMORPG and it just happens to be the best of those currently out there.Everything else after this as E3 2006 has shown will be attempting new stuff and not just copying the style seen in this game.
This game is pretty much you standard hack-n-slash action rpg.You get quests,..complete them get experience/gold/and items.It is not really much of a grindfest as some people have lied about saying,.or at least they dont understand the meaning of grind.Yoy very rarely during the course of your character 60 level life just have to go out and kkill monsters just for the sake of gaining xp which is the proper use of the word grind and instead you will gain most of your xp though the above mentioned quests.
This game was designed by Blizzard to be easy btw and to be able to get as big of an installed user base as possible which one can certainly say has worked well for them.This simplicity though will make the more hardcore gamer grow bored after awhile and you will probably want to move on.The character classes are mostly cool of the ones I have really tried.My least favorite is the warrior to play as.And least favorite to go against is the overpowered Paladin.Blizzard by the way is very biased torwards that class and the aliance in general.If anyone or side gets some thing first it them.The races have very little difference other than looks and starting location.They do have some racial differnces but they are so minute that they hardly make a differnce.I wouldn;t say this is bad thing except that Bilzz seems to think that adding two more is like huge big deal as far as the soon coming expansion goes.It isn't.
Most of the world that you will experience is MMO with the exception of dungeons and battlegrounds which are intstanced.Which is fine because if you have ever played non instanced dungeons before in other MMO'sthey can be a huge mess with so many people in there to kill the same thing.
PVP can be a big part of the game and is actually pretty fun.Depending on how big a part it is for you depends on the server you choose since some are PVP all the time and others are more ny choice.I am not really a fan of PVP so by choice realms are for me.
For the time I did play this game I really did like it,..however just don't be surprised if you end up growin bored after a few months.Maybe you won't though so either way id you do get 5-6 months than you have certainly gotten your moneys worth out of the game.I would reccomend it though.