All that, but no chips. It's a great add, but dumbs down the game a bit.

User Rating: 8.5 | World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King PC
WoW has, all along, been about character development. Whether you are into PvP or just into PvE does not matter, you're working to develop your character and build it to a new level, a new set of skills, to handle a new set of challenges.

With recent changes, culminating in WotLK, Blizzard has done some things that invalidate months (literally) of character development and made changes that cross the game, basically making it easier (in some ways) or just changing it completely.

With that said, WotLK is still a good add-on. The writing is solid, the quests are engaging, the phasing is at least interesting, and the general atmosphere is "fun."

Worth having, if you're still playing WoW, but not a reason to go back to the game if you had gotten tired of it or left because of recent changes. Not that the changes are "good/bad," they just don't fit my style.
