The best game I didn't pay for

User Rating: 8.5 | World of Tanks PC
I hate online games. I hate mmo's. I hate free to play. At least I used to. I love WOT. I have been addicted to this game. You had better have plenty of free time if you start playing it. It's very easy to get into, but not easy to get good at. You hear all the time. "I wish I knew then what I know now". That how you will feel after a few weeks playing this game. A lot of trial and error go into deciding which way to progress up the tiers when it comes to choosing tanks. It sucks to grind away hours just to find that tank is a piece of junk. Unfortunately, you have to go through some junk to get to certain tanks that are really good. Take time to research the game early and it will pay off later. You never need to spend a dime on this game, but you will at some point. The tanks you buy aren't the best but they give you a taste of what some higher tier battles are like, and you may find it's not a good idea to hurry to get there. A lot of players come back down to lower tiers to take a break and beat up on the noobs. It can be a lot more fun when you are in the lower tiers because you have a better chance of getting kills, where as up top you have to be really good to survive. Foe some lucky is better than good.