world of tanks dishonesty

User Rating: 1 | World of Tanks PC

World of Tanks, SAYS “WE do not control battle outcomes”....but it is not possible to believe that. in their chat room. players continuously complain about complete lopsided battles where the opposing team will kill every one of your team’s tanks... and youir team might not even get one kill. Many battles your team will get 0-5 kills. this type of game play happens all the time.

What ever tank you choose, you will probably not even have your tank shells penetrate opposing tanks. In many battles opposing tanks will all be moving together? why does that not happen with your team of tanks?

How do shells that have a greater penetration rate then the armor they hit never penetrate of do any damage? why do shells with 100penetrate not penetrate 50 armor, continuously. But the opposite is true too, you have 100 armor and a tank with a 50 pen shell destroys you?

Lag Control of battles by World of Tanks. Many games seem to be Lag controlled lopsided games. If you have hardwired Ethernet, quality PC with top DSL speeds, you can see shells going right to target but they miss. At last split second a sitting tank has moved an entire tank length or more. How do these things happen. Also, just watch how the game does opposing team get half way across map and you don’t see them in first minute of game? And your team has barely moved? And then you find them sitting and shooting at you.

In World of tanks most battles will be 3 tier battles. All Tanks are rated by tiers, so that tier 1 tanks are not so good, tier 2 a little better, tier 3 -9 get better and better. So in most battles i.e. if you have a tier 4 tank you will fight tiers 5 and 6 in same battle. Your tier 4 tank can only hope to be on winning team. Otherwise your tier 4 tank in head to head battle with a tier 6 is a hopeless losing battle. In World of tanks most battles will be 3 tier battles. Good luck with that for you. So earning credits and improving crew rankings is and endless pursuit.

World of tanks will gladly sell you superior tanks. However, there is a Gotcha catch. World tanks can change tank performances so a tank that has certain strengths will be nerfed (those strengths will be weakened …World of tanks does what they want when they want).

So you are not playing against other players so much as you are playing against World of Tanks. They just want your money. No fair game play provided.

World of Tanks, SAYS “WE do not control battle outcomes”.... total dishonesty!