The USA and the Soviet Union unleash Hell on each other, and your behind the wheel. What more do I need to say?

User Rating: 10 | World in Conflict (Collector's Edition) PC
I waited. For soooo long I waited. I had been unable to play anything fun on my old crappy computer for years, and then I finally bought a new PC capable of handling this fantastic game.

And it's not in the LEAST bit dissapointing. First off, single player. I have never in my life heard a more well put together, well voice acted script for a video game. If every game had a plotline as immersive as this, shallow multiplayer-only junkies wouldn't exist.

The fourteen missions are linear, action packed, cinematic and absolutely visually astounding. It will blow you away. I'd give you the plot basics, but I'd spoil the treat of seeing it unfold.

Which brings us to visuals. Hardly any game to date has such a steady frame rate, while maintaining realistic textures and unit models. Or such ******* AWESOME, pardon my French, tactical nukes and, my personal favorite, CARPET BOMBING RUNS!

Everything looks like it was pulled straight out of a sweet modern war movie, and it's very "Red Dawn" esque, in a less cheesey kind of way.

Now for the interface. It's so streamlined that once you learn the controls you'll wish someone else had come up with something so brilliant YEARS ago. The incredibly linear design will have you blasting apart tanks and shredding infantry squads in no time. And the Tactical Aid System, which allows you to call in off-map support such as the aforementioned carpet bombs and tactical nukes, is so much fun that it's tempting to never even touch your units.

But you better be good at all aspects of the game if you'll be playing WiC multiplayer, which provides the meat of the matter for most people. Don't let it distract you from single player, but it really is the best part of the game.

It will have you addicted within an hour. A couple of games and you'll never set this game down. The tactics required to work with your team in conjunction with each other are easy to learn, but difficult to master.

Since each player must choose from four roles, support, air, armor and infantry, going off on your own for multiplayer matches just doesn't cut it.

It's easy to learn, but difficult to master. It has a stunningly well written narrative and the multiplayer is the best PC multiplayer set-up to date. This game will go down in history and one of the most innovative strategy games EVER. But it NOW!

PS: Since you can buy the Complete Edition of this game which includes the Soviet Assault expansion for the EXACT SAME PRICE, buy the complete edition! You won't regret it.