The best strategy game ever peroid.

User Rating: 9 | World in Conflict (Collector's Edition) PC
World in conflict is not your average startgy game. Its far from it. There is no base building. There is no large armies to command. This is a mostly realisitic combat situiation. The game begins in 1989 when the soviet union invades Western Europe. You play as Lt. Parker a US soildeir. When you start the single player where the soviet unoin makes a invasion on seattle. The americans retreat and fight against the advancing soviet army. The campign is superbly done and is defently memorible. The campign is for a startgy game is short, but good. In the game you mostly rely on your enemies and you often have around five to ten units you actully command. The gamplay is also superb. There are four differnt classes in the game. Air, Infantry, Armor, and Support. Air is attack helicopters and best for hit and run raids the will oblivorate anything but AA. They however cannot capture command points (these will be explained later on.) Infantry are foot soildiers that can actualy the weakest and the strongest class. Infantry are slow and are lowpowered. However they can hide in buildings and woods. Use these to your advantage and your the most deadly in the battlefield. Infantry can capture command points. Armor is tanks that can run over infantry and blow the hell out of anything. They can hold against any ground unit. They have the most health and armor to. They have average speed and can be repiared. However they are sitting ducks to air. Be carful, a group of heavy copters and turn tanks to dust in seconds. Support is AA and Repiar tanks, and Artillery. They are for support only. Most unites have a offensive ablity and defensive abilty. To name a few offensive TOW missle HEAT shell and defensive In the game there it a battlefield. There are Deserts, Cities, and Forests to name a few. The enviroments are wonderful. They alow you to zoom in completely in any direction so you can see almost eveything. This is AMAZING. The graphics are uberly good and the whole game look very realistic. This just adds to the effect. Anyway there is forests where infantry get booseted defense. There are house that act like bunkers to infantry. Anything can be desotryed. Tanks can run over trees in there way. Houses can get blown to bits. Morters can blow holes in the ground. The game invovoles of capturing command points. Command points are two-three circles that are connected. Moving ground units to a coomandeed points will capture them simple right? Enemies can do the same however to stop the annoyence of some sneaking up and capturing the command point when nobodies gaurding it. You can fortify that poistion buy simply put a unit on the command point. However they can be destried esily and more used just so they buy you time. The next part of the game is tactical aid. They is a lot of differnt tactical aids. Some invole blowing the enemy to hell. Others invovle parachuting extra troops to a postion. The multiplayer is amazing to, but be sure you beat the game at least on hard. There are a few modes such as domination and defense offense.Evey player owns a couple units and the game. You don't unlock anything in the campign but you don't need to. The game is perfect as is. The only thing you do unlock is a differnt rank but your score. However the only real problem about this game is that there is no single player skrimish. In fact this game is a multiplayer game. Fortently the game is so good you won't have to worry to much about the single player. Honestly this is the best startgy game ever.