Game is decent

User Rating: 8 | Wolfenstein: The New Order PC

Wolfenstein: New Order, is a game that scratches the surface of great, but is mostly in the 'good' range. It's not a bad game; it has solid mechanics, neat guns, an OK story, and cool premise. All in all, the game does what a good shooter does, and it maintains its momentum throughout its entire experience.

With that said, though I cannot really put my finger on it, there's something that keeps this game from being truly great. It all comes down to a few random factors and moments. Like that one moment that is way too cliche. Or the other one where it's incredibly cheesy. Or a level that is incredibly frustrating, etc. Throwing all these together, the game ends on a 'meh'. But I cannot really justify giving the game a 7 because it really is pretty solid overall.

Emotionally maybe not so, but as a whole the game does a lot of things right. It's a good shooter with a neat futuristic premise, and who can really complain about that?