This classic & revolutionary game hasn't stood the test of time as well as I hoped it would.

User Rating: 7 | Wolfenstein 3D X360
As most of you probably already know, Wolfenstein was the game that started the 'First Person Shooter' genre. Doom followed and really took the genre to a whole new level, but this is the game that got the ball rolling. While that is a a great thing for a game to be able to claim, sometimes time doesn't do a game justice. Wolfenstein 3D was a great game. Now it's a boring, repetitive, & shallow shooter. That doesn't mean everyone who hasn't had the pleasure of playing this game before shouldn't check it out. It just means that you should temper your expectations.

The problem with Wolfenstein 3D is that it's just.....well..... old. I know that sounds like a weak way to describe the game, but it lacks many things that Doom brought to the table and Doom didn't come out that long after this. Obviously the visuals are crude, but that is to be expected. What might surprise you, especially if you haven't played this for years like myself, is how simple & repetitive the gameplay is.

There are only four weapons in the whole game. And you start with two of them (knife & handgun). There are only four enemies in the whole game, not including bosses. The game is incredibly linear and shockingly so. The gameplay consists of running through maze-like corridors looking for keys to open doors and exit the level while killing nazis. It becomes very repetitious, very quickly.

But the biggest problem with the game is the fact that there is no map and the levels are maze-like. It's very easy to get lost as most rooms look the same and the level design is crap. Once again, this is too be somewhat expected since this game was made in 1992. But it doesn't make it less frustrating to play. By the end of the game, I just wanted to get it over with.

Now it may sound like I hated the game, but I really didn't. It is fun, at times, and is a great trip down memory lane. And I really do think everyone should give the game a shot to see where the 'first-person shooter' genre came from, but Doom might be a better (and more enjoyable) place to start. I consider Doom the greatest game of all time, but there wouldn't be a Doom without a Wolfenstein. For only $5, it might be worth a shot if you are a fan of REALLY old-school shooters.

And on a side note, when downloading the XBLA version of the game, you also get a trailer for the new Wolfenstein game that is coming out. The problem with this, is that it's attached to the game making the file size WAY larger than it should be. I think it's ridiculous that they make you download the stupid trailer along with the game that I paid for. For those of us that have smaller hard drives, it's annoying. I know some people would not have a problem with this, but I feel it's worth mentioning nonetheless. I really hope this doesn't start a trend.