wolfenstein 3d never gets old

User Rating: 8.5 | Wolfenstein 3D X360
id software goes way back and this is the first fps ever made to my knowledge. games like call of duty and halo and half life would have never been made if it wasn't for wolfenstein. this game has a fun campain and is a classic, from killing notzes to hitler it never gets old. its not always easy figuring out where to go with all the doors it can be frustrating. there is secret rooms and treasure. it is alot of fun but can get frustrating. you can't look up or down or jump but it's not that big of a deal because you don't have to do as much work. some frustraing things about the game is that you don't always get enough health or ammo, and sometimes it can get cunfusing where to go with all the doors. the good things about the game is it is alot of fun, finding secret rooms never gets old. in the end i think this is one of the best fps games of all time. in my conclusion i give this game an 8.5 out of 10.