Winback retains it's immense difficulty in Winback 2: Project Poseidon

User Rating: 8 | WinBack 2: Project Poseidon PS2
Winback 1 and NHL Faceoff 2001 were the first games I bought for my PS2. Now by the time the sequel was released, I had long finished Winback 1, but I had fond memories of playing it, and to this day it still stands apart from other Third Person Shooters for it's realism. Grand Theft Auto and Mercenaries allow you to run out, all guns blazing, until the countless bullets riddling you dwindle your health bar away, but in Winback, things must be planned carefully. You must always remember to look around corners, and plan your next stop for cover in a Hallway filled with enemies. If you run into the middle of the room and try to peg them off one by one without cover, you deserve to be shot, dummy! I've played through the campaign several times, and it's always rewarding to finish a stage.

I've only had a few problems with this game. The numerous uses for the 'X' button becomes annoying, and playing Stage A and B with seperate charactors can grow tiresome.

If your style is standing in the middle of the desert amongst police officers shooting at you while you attempt to shoot a helicopter out of the sky, by all means, skip this game.

If you're looking for a solid, stealthy game, check out Winback 1 and 2. You won't be disappointed.