The first true family gaming expirience which can be just as competitive as their real counterparts. This one's a keeper

User Rating: 6.5 | Wii Sports WII
Wii sports comes bundeled with the Wii system, and, I've got to be honest when I say that even if it wasn't bundeled I'd still love to get my hands on it. Truth be told, this game, upon first glance doesn't look like much. However, when you fire up your wii and get some pals, the fun ensues. The games to be played are simple sure, but not too simple in that they lack competition or similarity to their more realistic counterparts, but simple enough so as to be accesible by all.

Granted, some may scoff at the idea of "accessible to all"; of a game which is not composed of blood and guts, nor bone crushing, jaw busting hits. However, although I love that kind of thing as much as the next fellow, there's certainly something to be said for a game which gets my parents (yes, even my mother) involved. It's a great sight that brings a smile to the room to see Non-gamer's gaming, and enjoying themselves. Now, I know what some may be thinking...That they've had absolutely enough of this whole casual gamers involved talk...They've had it up to here with nintendo's plan, or various fanboy's touting Nintendo as the lords of the future. Well, I was skeptical, and although I shall not make any outlandish claims as such, I surely can say that this game, Wii Sports, and any other games on my newly purchased Wii, that allow and attract non-gamers to play games, are winners by me. It's really just a lot of fun seeing new-to-games induviduals with broad smiles on their faces as they swing the remote desperately to achieve a return serve.

And man... Is it ever a good work out!

From the enjoyable beggining tunes, or well polished look, to the fun game selection and great motion detection, this game is a winner on all counts.

All in all... The games are simple, the premise is simpler....Fun. That's all this game boils down to. Forget stats, Forget realism, forget high definition or frames per second. Forget all of that, my gaming friend, If only for a while, and instead enjoy and remember Wii Sports, as a great gaming expirience, plain and simple.

Highly Recommended.