It's good as it is bad, but hey, at least it's not X-Blades. Think Stranglehold plus Tomb Raider Underworld-style.

User Rating: 8 | Wet X360
The first thing came to mind on a wet Monday was: "lets get WET". Yes, I mean the game that has Bethesda involvement. I have to say that this game is good despite its many flaws. But then again it could have been worse. It could have been as bad as X-Blades.

You control Rubi Malone; a woman with the personality that is as likeable as a nuclear-detonated Trojan Horse on your front doorstep and as friendly as that Assassin Chick Uma Thurman in Kill Bill. At least it's a million times better than that dumb sl@t Yumi from X-Blades.

Rubi has to, basically shoot everything that moves Stranglehold meet Tomb Raider Underworld style, with her twin revolvers or other guns later on.

I mentioned Stranglehold because that what it's like. You do acrobatics and shooting at the same time. In an innovative fashion, you have your dual guns and automatically shoot one target with one reticule, while you manually aim the other reticule on the other unfortunate thug using the right analog stick.

By acrobatics you ask? I mean she does a lot of it. Low riding slide, you shoot. Wall running, you shoot. Jump up, you shoot. But that's not all, Time slows down Stranglehold-style while you do so. Doing acrobatic kills nets you with style points. So the more variety you can pull off with your environment kills, the more style points you earn.

You can spend your hard earned style points to upgrade Rubi's moves and health. Although, don't be excited, because it's not much to unlock. In fact, the upgrades are severely lacking because as you progress, it gets harder and harder to survive. And simply running from bullets isn't exactly that good. The other upgrades to unlock are weapons upgrades, and even that isn't as spectacular. It's definitely a must to save up as much style points as possible for the hardest of story mode levels.

I also mentioned Tomb Raider Underworld-style, you climb certain walls, swing on poles while also doing the slow-mo shooting moves. The problems I have is the environments can get in the way of shooting. The other little nitpicking I have is that on one level she has to shimmy along a ledge; and the graphics showed her hand coming through some outsticking ledge part.

There's the other problem with her shooting if you don't get her to do acrobatics. She shoots with one gun if she doesn't do acrobatics and you have to manually aim for that too. As if she suddenly forgot that she has two guns.

The graphics tries to be like those grindhouse movies, it plays like it would in old cinemas. But then again it also tried to be like one with those movie reels. It's actually quite amusing to see some really cheesy 1950 (or 60s) "TV adverts" as a sort of loading screen/intermission before the rest of the chapters. Although there was one occasion that the loading screen of Rubi in a lift section took longer and it turns out, that the game crashed.
Put it this way, the graphics aren't quality.

Then there's that absolutely God-awful quick-time events of pressing X to not die, becomes more annoying than Tomb Raider Aniversary. The difficulty on normal so far has become progressively hard as expected, but it's harder if you can't see your enemy. There were some good levels in fairness.

The extras? Like Ninja Gaiden II (360 version) you collect monkey toys to unlock artwork, but that's it. Not exactly great, but if you complete the game, you can unlock harder modes and challenges. The game has some really good atmospheric music. At the end of the day, you are actually better off buying this when it's cheaper. It's good as it is bad.