Another good game in the series.

User Rating: 9 | Samurai Dou 3 X360
Way of the Samurai 3 has a lot of value because there is so much to do. The graphics are not perfect, but they are good. They have improved a lot on the new generation consoles. The game-play is similar to the other 2 games, yet it is still fun. The story is interesting and changes depending on what he or she does. It has over 15 endings and many different swords that add a lot of re-playability. Before you start the game, a person can change the character's looks. The more one plays the game, the more one unlocks. Clothing, accessories, and different faces for the character can be unlocked. It is possible to forge swords for the character by seeing the blacksmith(the same guy as in the other games). A sword can be customized with four different parts. He or she can also name the sword and choose the fighting style. The samurai can do jobs to earn money and respect from the different gangs. Money can be used to buy food, accessories, and sword upgrades. The game is best if it is beaten many times. This way a person can see all of the story content.