"Grand Theft Auto" for the Wi-Fi generation.

User Rating: 8 | Watch Dogs XONE

"Watch Dogs" is a genuinely entertaining take on the "Grand Theft Auto" formula. It's also a mix of satire and seriousness that lacks a consistent tone. Like Ubi Soft's "Assassin's Creed", the game didn't live up to expectations, but it's also a solid franchise starter. I'd say it's an equal to "Sleeping Dogs". In this game, players take control of Aiden Pierce, a hacker whose daughter is accidently killed by his would-be murderer. This tragedy involves Aiden's former friend who forces him into committing a series of major cyber crimes in their city of Chicago.

The game is seemingly set in the future since everything in the Windy City is interconnected to a major hub. It's a creepy scenario that gives off the idea that Big Brother is watching over the citizens of the city. As a result, Aiden can hack into everything connected online with his cell phone. This can lead to all sorts of scenarios. You can create major havoc by controlling street lights, creating black outs, raising street barriers and stopping the L-Train. All of this comes in handy when getting into a gunfight which are plentiful in "Watch Dogs". And just like in other open-world action games, you can unlock abilities, upgrades and weapons as you progress throughout the story and partake in side-missions and activities.

Being online is a big theme within the game, but it's also real feature since online multiplayer is included. More "Splinter Cell" than "Call of Duty", matches are more strategic than run 'n gun. In the two of the modes, you can either hack or tail another player which can lead to chases or deaths if you are discovered. The Xbox One version of "Watch Dogs" features Encryption in which two teams battle for a laptop they must hack to win. The single player campaign can be invaded by other players that want to challenge online.

"Watch Dogs" is a good take on the genre. Gameplay-wise, it's not very original (aside from the hacking), but it's entertaining. The story is also engaging, if a bit outlandish. Unfortunately, Aiden is a real dorky emo type character. But if you're a fan of any of the games I've mentioned, then you'll have a good time with this one. I'd rank it with an 8 out of 10.