Better direction than recent Unreal Tournament Games…

User Rating: 7.7 | Warpath (2006) PC
This game gets a lot more crap than it deserves… I’m not going to say that I think this is the best game ever made, but it certainly deserves better reviews that what I’ve seen. This game plays off the same premise as Unreal, offering a tournament based hyper-futuristic world and weapons to feast your eyes on. The game mechanics are very solid, the game play is fun, and visually this game has a lot to offer without taxing a mid end machine. I even tried this in my comp that only runs a FX 5200 with a AMD 2100 processor and a gig of ram, and this game ran fine on medium settings. Also, anyone out there who is a fan of overdone ragdoll physics like me will be giggling in glee as the Havok engine makes yet another appearance in this game and shines in all of it’s limb flailing glory. That was the good, now for the not so good… Warpath is essentially a regurgitation of Pariah, which was another underrated game that was released for the Xbox a while ago. In my opinion, it seems that the developers basically took Pariah and tried to fix most of what was broken and re-release it under a different name. The single player in this game is basically a play off Unreal Tournament as well… and the AI must stand for Artificial Idiot in this game “as Morgan Webb would say.” Lastly, there is maybe one other person in the world who owns this game… so you won’t be finding anyone to play against online without some effort. I’m not quite sure why they didn’t just call it an expansion pak for Pariah, or Paraih 2… but whatever… Anyways, the character models are different, the weapons are much improved, the upgrade system is still present and accounted for, and they did away with the class selector allowing you to choose any combination of the 6 available weapons to start each match. I would like to point out, that the plasma rifle or “Vanguard” as they call it in this game is actually worth choosing now. It has a sweet upgrade feature that basically turns it into the all to familiar BFG that ID software made all of us geeks fall in love with, but with a twist. The round actually sticks to a surface and shocks the crap out of anyone who runs by for a limited amount of time. GREAT FOR CTF STRATEGY!!!! I guess I’ll stop blabbing and wrap this thing up… I found this game online for $7 after shipping, and it is WELL worth that price. I think that this is a great game to add to your FPS collection if only to bust out when you are extremely tired of destroying Combine…