Looks an play like Civ V, but the spells and fantastic setting are great for a more fun and relaxed experience.

User Rating: 8.5 | Warlock: Master of the Arcane PC
First, let's put it out in the open - Warlock: Master of the Arcane was build on an engine that is VERY similar to Civilization V engine. I don't know if it was a copy or not (since hex based turn based strategy is not exactly new), but you'll notice it as soon as you start the game.

That said, Warlock is a very fun game. While it lacks de depth of a Civ game (mostly because of the lack of the ages, so it has fewer units and lacks the familiar feel about the factions), it has more unique units (because each unit of all of the 3 races are unique) and the spells casted by "the mage", you, help you feel indeed very powerful. The units are very interesting and you'll never feel like a unit is just like the other with different stats.

While in a civ game the only way to have "Area of Effect" damage is with a nuke in late game, multiple spells do it; while units can become better with veterancy in Civ games, here they not only gain big veterancy boosts but can also receive multiple upgrades (better gear, etc) and magical "buffs", becoming behemoths if you keep them alive for the whole game. You can also cast summons, buffs on your towns or yourself, curses on enemy towns and mages, dispells, counterspells, etc.

Much like civilization V, units don't stack, ranged units can attack from 1 hex away as a general rule and combat has good animations.

One of the noticeable shortcomings of this game is the lack of multiple victory conditions. You can either win by "conquest", taking every rival capital city, or by "unity", a powerful spell that makes you a god.

Since you have no diplomatic victory, diplomacy always feel a little artificial. But considering that's always a problem with that kind of game, it's not unexpected, it's just something worth mentioning. On the bright side, the enemy AI make a good job of not forcing you into aggression, so they'll probably always start a war if it's obvious you SHOULD attack them.

Well, guess that's it. So, the good and old ratings:

Graphics: 8.0 (pretty decent, good animations, good art design)
Sound: 7.5 (competent, but nothing too inspired. Adequate sound effects)
Playability: 9.0 (pretty good, lack some polish with the lack of a fortify button)
Interface: 9.0 (completely functional)
Replayability: 8.0 (lots of it, but other win conditions would be nice)
Final Score: 8.5 (very good)