WarioWare is a fun enjoyable experience with little problems.

User Rating: 8.5 | WarioWare: Smooth Moves WII
WarioWare---------Video Game Review

WarioWare is a large collection of mini-games into one. Most of them are fairly fun and pretty wacky. when you first start up the story mode you view Wario eating a large bowl of donuts and watching T.V A little Creature steals one of these donuts, Wario being greedy, dumb, and fat, chased after the creature. As he was chasing the creature he stumbled into a tomb and on to a rare ancient artifact... THE FORM BATON!!! err...Wii remote. A boulder drop and Wario is running from it. Now, the fun beings.

As you progress throughout the story you unlock more and more many games. They each posses some fun times, but eventually they become a bit repetitive & shallow. When i first started say on the 3rd level I found myself repeating the same mini-game over and over, losing, repeating.. not too fun after that. as for the multi-player, its pretty great. whats better than playing a collection of fun wacky mini-games by yourself, is play a bunch of fun wacky mini-games with your friends!

Multi-player offers 7 modes, 2 of them being co-op only. The most mentionable of these is Survival. this pits you against up to 12 friends in one room, only needing 1 remote. As this game goes on it gets faster and faster.. It gets very fun, and very intense, and amps up the fun. Overall, this game is a great and fun experience with little flaws. I highly recommend this game to anyone. At any age.. You should have a great amount of fun. With the mini-games, Story, Multi-player, and the little goodies you unlock throughout the campaign the game should last you a while and create good memories.

+ Variety
+ Great multi-player
+ Fun
+ Easy to pick-up and play
+ Can be a very intense and amped up.
+ Great Multi-player replay value

- Story is often shallow if repeated too much Shallow
- Can be repetitive
- Single-Player Replay value is pretty bad.
- Can frustrating on Single-player


Gameplay: 9/10
Graphics: 8/10
Control: 7.5/10
Fun: 10/10
Sound: 9/10
Replay value: 9/10
Cost: 8/10
Variety: 10/10
Innovation: 10/10
Length: 8/10