Utterly bizarre, but loads of fun to play with friends, just a pity it doesn't have enduring appeal.

User Rating: 7.5 | WarioWare: Smooth Moves WII
WarioWare: Smooth Moves utilises the versatility of the Wii Remote for use in over 200 "microgames" that the player must complete in order to progress. These microgames are very brief with most lasting mere seconds, but it's instantly obvious what you have to do, although in most cases you'll be laughing at the absurdity of it all: in what other game do you have to pick your nose to win?!

The plot is rudimentary to say the least: this is a party game, and whether you're bouncing a ball on a racquet, wafting flies off of food or pumping up a balloon, the ridiculous flailing around you'll do playing this is guaranteed to have you laughing at yourself as well as others. The game largely foregoes the Wii Nunchuck, although it is used for some games.

Older players will be pleasantly surprised to see games of yesteryear included, such as having to pull the Master Sword from the stone as in Zelda, or collect coins as Mario.

The negatives are the fact that the game has little in the way of staying power; once completed there's a multiplayer mode in which up to 12 players can participate, but it's unlikely to have you repeatedly playing on your own once you've completed it. It also doesn't challenge players in any serious sense of the word, although this is arguably down to the intuitive nature of the gameplay. You also can't help but think that this was made in order to show off what the Wii's unique controls can do, rather than exploit them to make a "proper" game.

That aside, this is a very entertaining game, just don't be expecting it to be any more than what it is.