A true masterpiece

User Rating: 10 | WarioWare: Smooth Moves WII
Like gamespot said, Wario and the Wii make a perfect match. Its almost like Peanut butter and jelly, (although I hate both) With over 200 microgames times 3 because there are three levels of difficulty for each game, this game is going to keep you addicted for a while.

Absolutely Hilarious
Craziest game you will ever play
Controls are just about as good as they get
200 different games will keep you busy for a while
12 person multi-player
awesome multi-player
Getting all 200 games is going to take you a long time
Some games will keep you laughing every time you play them
Awesome graphical design (there are a ton of different ones)
Undoubtably the best Wario Ware out for any system
Good for just about everyone except really old people (who probably don't play wii anyways)

Story mode takes 30 minutes if you know what you are doing
Some really annoying characters
You need to know what you are doing to make any progress in the game... or to even play the game

This is truely one of the best games I have ever played in my life. It takes about a 1/2 hour of practice to really get to know what you are doing but thats where the majority of the laughs come from. Playing even single player with friends is really fun. I highly reccomend this game for anyone who likes to play video games.