A stressful race to play mini-games that require no skill whatsoever

User Rating: 2.5 | WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Party Game$! GC
The main appeal of this game is, apparently, the frantic manner in which it is presented. With no story, guidelines, descriptions, etc., you are immediately thrust into rapid-paced mini-games. I say "apparently" because I can attest to the fact that this is not a universally popular aspect. It was somewhat demeaning to fail seemingly simplistic tasks repeatedly, only to obtain several "game overs" within minutes of turning the game on.

Unfortunately, even if the initial frantic nature of the game is a selling point, this doesn't last for long. Once you have played through a mini-game two or three times, the odds are very good that you will be able to beat it every single time without skipping a beat. This leads to the game, overall, being fun for only so long, since the games are quickly out-played.

The game is probably worthwhile as a rental for a quick party game between friends with good humors and few hang-ups about losing... a lot. But, if your taste is anything like mine, odds are that after playing this game for more than an hour or so, you will regret any money you put into it.