Though this game has it's bright moments, it's a bit of a disappointment overall.

User Rating: 6.5 | Wario World GC
Gameplay: The gameplay in itself isn't bad. This game is part hack and slash/ part platformer/ part strategy. And it makes for a decent formula. Wario has some nice combat moves, including the pile driver and some other special moves. He can toss enemies too, which is pretty fun. The controls are a little clunky, but not too bad. There is also alot of "slide" effect when landing from a jump, and takes a getting used to. The biggest downfall of the gameplay is the repetitive level designs and enemies. Not so much the levels actually, since they are different, but mostly just the enemies in the levels. Basically, there are only a few varieties of enemies and each level has the same kind in them, they only look different. The boss fights can be fun, but again, even they are pretty repetitive from one boss fight to the next. In this game, you must unlock jewels by completing mini-games to get to the boss fights of each level. Some of these minigames are pretty short and easy, while others take more strategy thought. Some are simply platforming exercises, jumping on floating blocks, just like in a few of the levels from Mario Sunshine. The game only features 8 levels, plus 4 extra boss fights. Each level is relatively large and will take you a chunk of time to complete. You're only looking at about a 5-8 hour game to finish the story mode. And there are no other playable modes in the game, and there's nothing to see after completing it. This game is also not your typical 3D platformer when you have 360 degree freedom. It is a 3D game obviously, not a side scroller, but features a fixed camera that doesn't let you roam. This also really takes away from the fun factor of being able to explore. Graphics: The resolution in the game isn't very crisp, but it still looks like a good game overall. The boss fights seem to look better than the levels too, which is good. Sound: Some of the sounds can be annoying. The pause menu to check your status has a very annoying and reptitive "chant", not music. The main area music sounds plumb retarded. The levels' music sounds okay. It sounds like a Mario-type game, but not near as good as the music from Mario's platformers. And of course, Wario's grunts can get annoying too. Value: As mentioned in the gameplay part, there is no replay value here, and barely enough value to make you want to finish this short game. Good thing you can get it for cheap if you do want it. Tilt: I pretty much agree with the GS review. All of this games good points could be found in renting it, though you can buy it for like 10 bucks nowadays anyway. It has it's moments as a decent platformer. This is a Nintendo game after all, and it looks and feels somewhat polished, compared to a cheap game. But it doesn't have near the great gameplay qualities of Mario's platformers or other top-notch ones on the market. I'd really only recommend buying this game to huge fans of Wario himself (if there are any).