Short. But fun to the end.

User Rating: 7.2 | Wario World GC
Wario land was a great game with great characters, funny storyline and of course a great gameplay. But where is it all now? I dont know either, because all of this great charm the predecessors contained, has for some mysterious reason disappeared.

Anyway, the story in Wario world is about an evil black jewel, who turns all of warios treasures into monsters! Then Wario wakes up in a strange world, containing four worlds with three stages each. It is here the adventure begins. The intro when you start a new game is kinda lame. He is just sitting on his throne, then he laughs, then the screen turns white and there you go. Start playing.

Wario contains few moves, but they work. He can take the enemy up and throw them away, and then he can do a piledriver on them, throw them around in circles and drop them. and finally he can punch them into pieces. All the moves works and can be really funny to use on certain enemies, because most of them just walk around you, doing almost nothing.

In each stage you have to collect a special number of red diamonds, which shall be used to open the dungeon, where the boss lurks. The red diamonds are all hidden in different environments, with traps and puzzles you need to solve in order to get the them. Some diamonds are hard to gain, and someone is easy. The bosses are strange, and sometimes so strange that they become scary. They are fun to beat, but some of the them have uninspired attacks that we all have seen before.

So has this this garlic-eating chump constructed a smash hit with this game? It has to be no. The gameplay is funny and the graphics are great, no discussion about that, but the repeating enemies on each stage, the boring story and the low replay value, pulls it all down to a regular platformer. Even if the game is a side-scrolling adventure, its still not as charming, as the gameboy versions. Hopefully he does a comeback, Wario deserves more than this dreadfully short platformgame.