Wario World is very fun just incredibly short.

User Rating: 7.7 | Wario World GC
One day while Wario is searching through his mass amounts of treasure he comes upon a giant black jewel. This jewel causes all of his treasure to go away and hordes of monsters to come out. This ticks Wario off so he decides to go out and get his treasure back a defeat the evil black jewel. Thats the storyline for Wario World and you'll be able to get the treasure and stop the black jewel ina day or two. There are four worlds in Wario World and each world consists of two levels and a boss and there are mini-bosses after each level. So there is really only eight levels in the whole game making it really short. But there is all sorts of stuff to unlock after you beat the level you can get more health, game demos, and more.

The gameplay in Wario World is pretty good and lots of fun. The game is like a 3D beat-em-up game because you'll pretty much be running through stages killing everything in sight. But you also have to solve some puzzles here and there. The enemies are unique for the first world but after that they are the same enemies they just look different and even fight the same way. All of the stages are pretty short and at most it will be like ten to twenty minutes per stage. The boss fights are awesome each boss is very unique and has a weakness that you need to figure out the bosses are also very random.

The graphics are pretty good but there are much better graphics on other games. The sound is very annoying the soundtrack will drive you crazy the random noises all of the characters make will also drive you crazy. Value wise the Wario World is very short but is still fun the second time around. Wario World should be rented its a good game that would've been better if it had been longer.