Warhawk Review by codeye1

User Rating: 8.5 | Warhawk (w/Headset) PS3
Warhawk is an intense fully online multiplayer game. The game has 2 factions, Eucadia and Chernova, who are at war with each other. The game features a use of fighter jets, attack jeeps and tanks.

When you first start playing Warhawk it is incredibly unforgiving, you get shot to pieces every 2 seconds (or it would seem). But when you get used to the controls and intensity of fighting it becomes a lot easier and you start getting your own back on everyone who made your Warhawk experience hell.

In my opinion Warhawk can be quite fun because it gives you get a chance to fight against other people rather than AI.

The graphics for Warhawk are quite good, especially the water because water is usually quite hard to make look realistic. However one thing which is a bit odd is the fact that when you die you go flying around although it is funny when you get shot by a sniper and you go flying into things.

All in all I'd say Warhawk is an interesting and different game.