got in, glad i did

User Rating: 8 | Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning PC
i first bought it about 6 mo. ago and then got really busy with work and didn't have time to play. but i started up again a few weeks ago and i am hooked. i don't play mmorpg much and have never gotten hooked on one before. this is really doing it. i am into the quests and environment a lot and it does not feel "grindy" even at my low level. also, i am working 9 different characters which i can bounce between, so if i get a little bored i can always switch.

also i see that there is an imbalance between order and destruction which has apparently been bad for the game. i am playing destruction, and i think they have revised the lore a bit since i first started out to make destruction a more attractive alignment. destruction should be seen as destroying order to bring in a better order, not just destroying for the sake of destruction.