Transforms the table-top game into a brilliant video game!

User Rating: 8 | Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War PC
From the moment the intro cinematic began, I was hooked into Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War. It sets the violent and bloody mood and begins a cavalcade of strategy and violence that kept me hooked to the computer for hours and would keep me hooked for more hours were it not for the fact that I have billions of other games to play. It isn't that Dawn of War does anything extraordinarily new or brilliant in terms of gameplay mechanics, but the battles are just so damn entertaining and the pace of the game fast enough that it's hard not to have a good time.

The Warhammer 40,000 universe is an incredibly rich one. As they say, in the distant future, there is only war. And the war in the distant future is the unforgiving, brutal, no-nonsense kind of war with uncompromising soldiers leading the charge. All of the races in the galaxy want to slaughter each other... badly. Through thousands of years humans have become one with their violence, adopting a kill or be killed mentality when dealing with these alien races. But along the way, they've also adopted a kind of religion and spirituality that is neither fluffy nor particularly comforting. Their undying Emperor and his theocracy is the centerpiece of a human life washed in blood and order. To protect this mighty Imperium millions of men and women carry weapons as part of the Imperial Guard. On top of that, clans of battle hardened and enhanced soldiers known as Space Marines float through the galaxy bringing war against the enemies of humanity. Each chapter of the Space Marines gives complete allegiance to the Emperor.