Best in the series (WH40k) so far but still not my favorite rts

User Rating: 7 | Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War - Dark Crusade PC
This expansion definitely addresses a few of the "this game involves only rushing and no real strategic or tactical value" that the originals seemed to relish yet it still relies heavily on rushing in order to win. The maps are smallish compared to other rts's (though this promotes wanton destruction of forces) and a good deal of the strategy lies in pummeling the other guy with cheap t1 vanilla units faster than he can do it to you. (Now again, I see that rushing is a valid strat but at least in this it's not the ONLY strat that works.) The forces seem to build slower and the numerous caps on high-powered units have definitely helped. Really the only problem I see with this is that as of release the necron factions is severely overpowered. Honestly the only real way to win against them is to rush them. They are the equivalent of old BFME I mordor except in reverse. They have free tier1 units that are easily the most powerful tier1 units (better than most other factions upgraded units) and if allowed 2-3 sets will pummel anyone who isn't at least 2-3 times the skill of the necrons player. Oh all the little necron players will tell you that they aren't op (they're slow, they build slow) which is complete bs of course. When you program a built in counter to the single necron downfall (they can teleport around the map AND can be mass ressurected after death resulting in an army that is twice as large as any other faction possibility) for the necrons it results in perma-win. Moving on.

The ability to play 7 factions is nice and each faction does feel unique. The visceral combat is ever-present and the range of units for each faction is very broad and well done allowing for some actual thought to be put into what you want to do. Graphics are ok but are becoming dated with titles like Company of Heroes out.

The sound is still pretty good and definitely fits the factions.

Overall a better installment of the wh40k but still has room for improvement.