nice expansion for a great game.

User Rating: 9.5 | Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War - Dark Crusade PC
Dawn of war Dark crusade is a very fun game. If you played the other two game before and like it then this game is right for you, or you haven't played the other two games, than after this you may want to play the other two games.
The game add two new race Necron and Tau,That make the game have total of nine facton (just want to point it out), and new units for exisiting factions and a new campaing.
The campaing is set on the planet Krones this new camping is different from the two game before. It's a plantery conquest with all nine faction factions, you can play the campaing with any the faction you like and beat it any way you want, each have different story of their own as you conquest the planet Krones. In plantery screen the game is turn base, when you attack or defend a province you will going to a RTS mode.
The mutiliplaly have a skrmish mod and many new maps. The online play can support up the 8 player (depend on the maps).
The graphic is nice and the sound is stunning (to me!), you can't expeck more form a 2004 game based expansion. this game just very fun, a must play for any Dawn of war fan!