The Last Stand: Just what was needed.

User Rating: 8.5 | Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II PC
Under appreciated, underrated, and trolled.

It IS a good game.

With the addition of The Last Stand game mode in DoWII I feel the game is coming together. I enjoy all aspects of the game at this point. All modes are good. Campaign is somewhat innovative, really best put well done. Multiplayer Head-to-Head matches are intense, which I enjoy. They do feel simplistic. In addition one mistake can easily cost you the game. Pro leagues are imminent. Not just for this but for The Last Stand. Which is what really makes me enjoy the game much more then before and has caused me to raise my rating. The Last Stand:

DoTA meets MMORPG + Rankings

Sounds perfect for me. Not only that I can see a million ways they can expand this. I don't think I even need to list these. (Maps, Characters, Expansion(Chaos), Items, Gear, Game Play Modes)

Be excited for the expansion. It will deliver I believe. Especially since it is stand alone assuming we don't get ripped off we will all be happy.