Virtual Life gone color crazy

User Rating: 8.5 | Viva Pinata X360
Although I've spent about 10 hours on this game, and it is clear to me that there is still another 600 hours left for me to play on this game, I do feel that I get the main idea of what the game is all about.

Starting off in Lefos' dad's old garden, it's your job to make it as grand it once was. You start off with a small patch of ground which you need to make habitable to Pinata's. You get your first residence when you start planting grass and things get more complicated after that. More Pinata come in to check out your garden and to move in. Each Pinata has needs for them to join your garden or to breed.

The game is actually very relaxing to play and you can just sit for hours and get nothing accomplished, and still feel satisfied with yourself.

Each Pinata has about 3 variations depending on what you feed them...oh yeah. Did i mention you also need to plant stuff? Yep. Trees and plants which have fruit that you can feed your pinata's or sell.

You have some happy helpers that will pick up and sell stuff, water your plants, or even give you new seeds.

The graphics on this game is mind-blowingly colorful. I think they are using every single part of the color pallet...ever! It's like watching MTV video awards in slow motion. It's very well detailed though and each creature is cure and fuzzy.

It's a little to slow for me, and that's why I didn't spend all that much time on it. I'd rather play something that has an ending before spending days building a garden at this moment, but I'm sure I'll be making a lot of time in the near future working on my garden.