A Blast from the Past

User Rating: 6.5 | Vigilante 8: Arcade X360
If you are old as I am and, are as avid a gamer as I am you remember this title very well. It is a simple car combat game. If you have never heard of this title you may want to ignore it unless you like car combat and, can enjoy a game that is not bleeding edge.

For myself it is more about nostalgia. I can now sit at home and play the game I spent hours playing with my friends from my youth with those same friends 13 years later online.

The basis of the game is drive, collect weapons, destroy. The maps are a decent size,

Yet again Gamespot jaded review team unfairly score another game. A game they gave a 8.0 on it's original release. It's at least a 6.0. It's a port of an old PS game. What was Gamespot expecting them to change?

Fun Fact: Vigilante 8 was a spin off title from a PC game "Interstate 76".