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What Are Teraflops And Do They Matter For PS5 And Xbox Series X/S

Jean-Luc gives you a quick breakdown on what exactly teraflops are and what that means for the PS5 and Xbox Series X/S.

"Teraflops" has become a marketing buzzword in the last few years as a way for platform holders to express how powerful their new hardware is. But what exactly are Teraflops and are they as important for gaming as they are made out to be?

In this short video, Jean-Luc breaks down the basics of Teraflops so that next time you hear Phil Spencer talk about it on stage, you’ll know what he’s talking about. The long short of it is that while teraflops can be a good benchmark for performance, it's important to consider the other many factors that can impact your video game experience.

If you enjoyed this video why not check out our explainer on HDMI 2.1 and what it means for the PS5 and Xbox Series X/S. And if your just as excited for new consoles as we are, make sure to tune in to Generation Next, our weekly show where Lucy James, Tamoor Hussain, and Jordan Ramée talk everything related to the PS5 and Xbox Series X/S.