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Battlefield V - Rotterdam Beta Map Gameplay

We stomp around Rotterdam with a variety of new classes and guns before the open beta starts on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

At Gamescom 2018, we played on two of the multiplayer maps that will be available in Battlefield 5's upcoming open beta. In the video above, you can watch us play Conquest on Rotterdam.

Rotterdam puts players in the midst of the battle ridden streets of Holland during World War II. It's one of the better maps for showing off Battlefield 5's new levels of destruction, as well as how the game's maps can change as the battle continues. You can get an early glimpse of the map in Battlefield 5's new Devastation of Rotterdam trailer. Near the end of the trailer, you can also catch a glimpse of the games new battle royale mode.

The Battlefield 5 beta launches for those who pre-order or are subscribers of EA's services on September 4, while everyone else will get access to it on September 6. You'll be able to play Conquest and Grand Operations on both the Rotterdam and Arctic Fjord maps. Grand Operations is a massive multiplayer mode that takes place across multiple areas with changing objectives to deliver more of a narrative journey for the match. The beta will also contain a five-part Tides of War chapter, which--if completed--awards you with an exclusive in-game dog tag when Battlefield 5 officially launches.

At Gamescom, Microsoft unveiled a new Battlefield 5-themed Xbox One X. DICE also released a trailer that detailed how you will be able to customize your character in the game. Amidst the controversy of including people of color and women in a World War II setting, DICE executive producer spoke out to tell players that the franchise was not jumping on any social justice "bandwagon," and that he actually wishes more women had been included in 2016's Battlefield 1.

Battlefield 5 releases for Xbox One, PS4, and PC on October 19.