A flashy, exhilarating action experience you'll love

User Rating: 9 | Vanquish PS3
+ Environments sterile but highly detailed futuristic vibe
+Character models are all highly detailed especially the Sam's suit
+Weaponry looks and feels awesome
-Pop-in textures on sandbag cover can distract (some don't even notice it, I do)
-Videos could be of a higher quality

+top notch, even changes for slow-motion
+sounds have tactical meaning and can help you avoid dangerous attacks
+weapons sound unique

+Diverse robotic enemies with unique characteristics
+Suit mechanics make you feel uber-powerful without being overpowered
+Being able to boost around the battlefield is genius
+Being able to enter slow-mo whenever you want is also genius
+Lots of enemies but the game is always as smooth as butter, no slowdowns

Doesn't exist. Isn't needed.

There isn't much not to like about this game. It is relatively short, but it has replay value since there are points awarded for everything and there are leader-boards for each mission. There are also 6 challenges which WILL give you a challenge when you are done with the campaign.

Bottom line, if you love shooters, you MUST give this game a whirl. Check out the free demos for both campaign and challenge mode on PSN. If you don't think you'll replay it without multiplayer, at least rent it and play it once.