Superb game, Hugely under-rated and overlooked as its visually out-dated, please dont make that mistake!!!!!!!!!!!

User Rating: 9.4 | Vandal Hearts II: Tenjou no Mon (PSOne Books) PS
As a game player, the one thing I naturally yearn for is good gameplay, of course graphics are important, thats what sets the Final fantasy series apart from the rest of the RPG genre but lets be honest gameplay is the most important factor, Final fantasy VIII and Suikoden II are my favourite games but are on two different ends of the scale when it comes to visual splendour but they both fulfil in almost all departments so its a bonus when the graphics are great,,,,Okay....

Vandal hearts II more or less mimics its predecessor in that there is a political story involved that is a catalyst for an uprising which is led by yours truly, Ash Lambert, to describe the gameplay in the most simple way would be to compare it to chess but with a bit more va va v@@m..

Vandal hearts II irons out a few niggles from the first game such as being able to position your troops just before a battle starts and the item and equipment screens are a bit more user friendly, also better spells etc and new ways of discovering treasure and more items make this a superior game to the first and improves in most areas, This game comes highly reccomended by me but I would reccomend the use of the official strategy guide as the items are a bit difficult to locate as you have to dig the bloody things up, apart from all of this the game has a great storyline which should keep you hooked and with each stage being a fresh and unique challenge I cant see whats stopping this game being one of the legendary classics, It started the whole TRPG (Tactics role playing games) genre thing and they should be credited with taking a bold step from the traditional RPG model....

Hope you enjoy this game as much as I do/did!