This is simply the best strategy RPG ever made on any format-period-, SEGA has redeemed itself in my heart again!

User Rating: 9.5 | Senjou no Valkyria PS3
Valkyria Chronicles is a game that reminded me of the time was I was proud to be the only kid on the block with a Sega master system. Phantasy Star was the first Sega game that made my jaw drop it also was my first glimpse into the world of Japanese Animation. Years past and the Shining Force 2 for the genesis came to my local video store and was so amazing I could not put my controller down.Then again the magic that is Sega caught my imagination again on the Dreamcast with Skies of Arcadia.Never has a Sega game captivated me and intrigued me since, until I played Valkyria Chronicles.

Visual Design- The obvious thing that will strike you right away is the breathtaking visual design and gorgeous use of cell shaded 3 models. The game has a "sketchbook" look to it. Never, in my opinion,have 3D Japanese Anime characters looked as flawless as this. When sometimes when the camera is static in a cut scene you would absolutely swear you were watching 2d animation. It really is that amazing. Much like the new Prince of Persia the improvements to cell shading animation are huge leap forward in visual design.

The game starts out kinda slow and this can for some be death sentence.The demo on the psn doesn't represent the game well at all because it is only the very first mission where you have no tank not different unit types, choices terrain if you played the demo and thought.... this to just haven't gotten to meat and potatoes yet. The game doesn't really start getting good until you acquire the ability to chose squad members, upgrade their gear, upgrade your tank and chose how you manage your battle. Fear not ....this happens soon enough.This approach to the mechanics really makes it much easier to understand how a game with much simplicity can offer so much complexity.

--Update-60 hrs of play-- It keeps getting better.As you play you unlock more commands and more and more brilliant design unfolds every time you turn a new chapter. Like the book it is set in , the story and gameplay both develop throughout. Intertwineing like vine climbing a trellis slowly revealing a beatiful flower of design, that is far more brilliant than almost every story driven title that has come before it. I love the characters, and they way the world is never too black and white . Even some of the games worst characters have noble intentions.
The innovative points system really makes this game unique.I also really like the variety of units and picking the"right people" who will work together. It's great how a units personality effects it's behavior on the battlefield. I don't want to go into to much depth but the mechanics are almost flawless here. The colored sight lines are a brilliant idea, and often the game feels action based not turn based as you can easily get mowed down by a turret or something just by turning the wrong corner. Valkyria truly evolves strategy rpgs to a new level.This game is not "kinda like" anything you have played is a genre defining title. So look at the reviews here---when 951ppl average a score of 9.0 its almost a no brainer.

If you are a Sega fan buy this game. If you like strategy games fan buy this game. If you like role playing games and great storytelling buy this game. If you like games that make you think , keep you entertained and inspire you buy this game.If you video games at all in way shape or form BUY THIS GAME!
Sega deserves a huge pat on the back for this release which in years passing like Skies of Arcadia, and Phantasy Star before it, is destined to become a cult classic.