Its like a couple of ingredients of MHF and Final Fantasy, wihhc makes it pretty good combo.

User Rating: 7.8 | Valhalla Knights PSP
Gameplay: Nice and easy, it doesn't take AGES to figure out how am I suppose to do this or that etc...

Storyline: It starts off very confusing cause your a human that just woke up without any recall of memory about what has happened before, like Silent Hill. Good thing it's gives a sense of drive for you to figure what HAS happen to this character.

Graphics: It doesn't have graphics like Monster Hunter but for a PSP, it's above average with some effects of the special or magic attacks.

Sound: Well sound wise, doesn't have like awful sound that doesnt match the creatures. Though I would like to hear some bit of the characters talking, it would sound more interesting then pressing circle jut to skip it. I would listen to the story, if they were actually saying it.

Ok, here comes the bad points. One saving, i only get to save once slot, only one. Some people might like make couple of other characters in different areas. I guess the ability to level up different classes with only one character, would explain why it only saves one slot.
Two, the drop rate of items. I've been looking for a specific item (rebirth book), for like ages. With the drop rate being low, ill would lose my patients. PSP games aren't really for extremely long time uses, people just tend to use it during their spare time, during times like waiting for the bus thats why its "handheld".

So overall if you have the patients playing RPG, like Monster Hunter. Then you'll find this game to be just below MHF.