An extreme Action RPG with fully customizable characters, a huge open world to explore, and deep team combat tactics!

User Rating: 8.2 | Valhalla Knights PSP
All these negative reviews are really a surprise, yeah sure the game is a slow grind, but it has also to offer. First you get to customize you're main character and others characters you add to your party. You get to start off as a Male or Female human character and then pick your main job (skill Set) Fighter, Mage, Priest, or Thief and 2 sub-jobs. Then set up how your character will act in battle when you're not directly controlling him or her, once you have more characters in your party you can quickly change which character you're using by press the select button. So you can have a party where one character uses direct attacks (fighters), one uses ranged attacks (thief), one using magic attack (Mage), and another healing (Priest). It's important to set up your party to use different abilities also different races have different strengths.

The story is really slow paced, but there are side quest that you can use to level-up and gain extra gold. The levels are huge with multiple paths, the real-time battle system is really deep especially after you spend some time with it. Learning to balance range attacks, close combat attacks, magic attacks, and healing spells while managing your party is really fun.

Ok the GRINDING is more a focus than the story, you have to take time with the game to get the full value of it .... there is little direction as to what you're suppose to do or how. But some of the fun comes from not knowing and learning along the way.

Looking for a deep interesting RPG ....... give Valhalla Knights a try.