Urur, Ages Beyond Myst was a lot of fun because I could there were so many ages and puzzles.

User Rating: 10 | Uru: Ages Beyond Myst PC
Uru:Ages Beyond Myst was a very good game and very challenging. I found all of the unique ages very beautiful and although gloomy, very unique. The underlying tale unfolding of the Bahro and the Least was very intriguing and kept me plowing on. The music was also very mixed in it's style and I especially liked the Gallery Theme and its ethereal beauty. I spent a lot of time playing and I admit following dead ends. This game was addicting to say the least. I enjoyed having different perspectives available with my avatar and I also liked the fact that I could build my realm with the things I had earned. There were so many linking books that I did get confused often, but that was a challenge. I learned that I needed to take really good notes and since I am organized, it helped quite a bit. Yeesha looked a bit stiff, but overall the graphics were gorgeous. One thing that I regretted was that the ending went very quickly and if you don't watch carefully, you miss it and it can not be replayed, no matter what I tried. I recommend this game highly!