A very arcadey game that's original, fast and fun.

User Rating: 8.3 | Urban Chaos: Riot Response XBOX
This game has gone under quite a few name changes. It was first called Roll Call and very much focused on the fire-filled levels. Then it was called Zero Tolerance: City Under Fire and we were introduced to the gangbangers in the game.

Now it's settled on Urban Chaos. The game is very fun. You are a cop in the newly found riot response unit, T-Zero. There are various linear scenarios dealing with what an American cop might do.

It's extremely fun. The gunplay is fast and tactical, thanks to a very good innovation, your riot shield. It allows you to protect yourself from enemy fire, and you can use it as a melee attack. Any bullet holes, scratch marks and blood stains garnered on the shield stay on throughout the level. This is very cool, and also makes the level harder since you may not be able to see all that well.

All in all, Urban Chaos is very good. The graphics are polished, the gameplay is fun, and it's cheap. You should be able to find a copy iin your bargain bin.