Double barrell shotgun blasts at point blank are delicious!

User Rating: 8.5 | Urban Chaos: Riot Response XBOX
In UCRR you are nick mason, some guy part of the t-zero (0 tolerance) riot squad. Theres this gang called the burners that wreak havoc on the city and everytime they attack a place you have to go in and stop them. You can upgrade your gun by getting medals. You get medals by doing things like getting a certain # of headshots, getting a certain # of non lethal take downs, arresting gang leaders, and not using any checkpoints. Your riot shield is sweet, and it can take a hell of a beating. once you bring it up when people are shooting at you the bullets will make you slide back a little bit and if you get close enough you can bash peoples face in with the riot shield and it usually shows that in slo mo. theres an insane amount of weapons like the pistol, pistol mark 2(upgrade of pistol), chainsaw, meat cleaver, molotov, double barell shotgun (my fav) shotgun, shotgun mk 2 (upgrade of shotgun), smoke grenades, assault rifle, AR mk2 (upgrade of ar) plus tons more. when you bash people with your shield however you sometimes get blood all over it and that makes it hard to see through when you use it sometimes. the sound effects are awesome and the graphics are just like, meh, average.

unfortuanetly, this game is completely dead on xbox live. not a single person plays online, and i have no idea why because its such a great game.

so great game if you like fpses.