Good game but simply a hand-held version of Champions on the PS2

User Rating: 7.3 | Untold Legends: Brotherhood of the Blade PSP
Anyone who has played Champions of Norrath or Champions:Return To Arms will find this game to play similarly. It is not the same storyline, as it was with PoP but it plays almost identically to the PS2 title. That may be a bad thing for many gamers, but for most it will be a welcome relief. That is because Champions was a quality game, and the creator of both, Sony Online Entertainment, have made Untold Legends almost a brother to those on the PS2. Even the storylines are similar: Town in trouble-warriors comes to help town-warriors becomes an elite force of your liking. This is both good and bad. Many fans of Champions will feel that they are simply replaying it on Untold Legends with only variations to place and some types of character choice. Even comparing the abilities alone, you can tell that they are almost identical in many ways. The in-game inventory menu is also extremely similar.

The gameplay is also identical. This isn't a bad thing though becuase Champions was a great game with a lot of hours that could be experienced. However, it doesn't carry over evry good aspect of the game. The lack of really good sound effects and music is a large difference in the game. A stellar audio track in Champions gave a good feeling of atmosphere. They were able to give some sound effects good distinctions, but most are plain and dull. Also, the storyline is not engaging at all, so by the time you do discover more about the plot, it can be hard to get psyched up about it. It's a shame because it has huge potential. Being a standard RPG you pick your characters name, attributes, weapons and abilities. However, there isn't much depth to a lot of it and sometimes it lacks the types of skills that would be good for and common to its class.

Untold Legends is a fun game, and there is no doubt that it can be experienced by many gamers. However I believe that it lacks a true soul to follow. And that is what can make or break a good RPG.