True to the hack'n'slash genre, nothing new that we haven't seen before

User Rating: 7.5 | Untold Legends: Brotherhood of the Blade PSP
This is a good game for only a few hours. This game is just other hack'n'slash
you have 4 classes of characters to play as and you can customize there how your they look but barley. The games also a little boring because after you play the game for a hour or two it feels like your doing the same type of annoying search and rescue missions or there some times they say to go to some area they want you to do a quest but do not give you any directions on how to get to where you need to be, and they give you little hints but they really don't help out). So when your doing those type of quest they are going to take you a while if you do know the whole map by heart. This is a good dungeon hack'n'slash on the psp there are many more but if you want a game thats easy to pick up and play for your psp this is the one.