I was Excited About Buying Unlimited Saga, But after playing it for 5 Minutes, i Found that it was Not Worth Playing.

User Rating: 3.8 | Unlimited Saga (Collector's Edition) PS2
- Unlimited Saga - Unlimited Saga (PS2) is one of the Disappointing Games that i brought, Unlike the Big and Wonderful Series of Final Fantasy, This Game doesn't reach to what players want and whats keeps them on playing the Game. Unlimited Saga could fit some other typs of people but it's to really for Everyone. While Reading about the Upcomming Games for the PS2 in PS Magazine, i was sure that this game would be So Cool and it will be Some much fun to play. I was in a Hurry of being the game as soon as it was Released. And Finally, The Game Was Released. I brought myself 'Unlimited Saga' and my brother wanted to see how the gameplay is because he was also interested in the Game, But after 1 hour i found the Game isn't what i pictured it would Be, it Was So Disappointing. By moving Crusors and such doesn't make you want to play the game so much. Unlimited SaGa will vary depending on your opinion of its method of presentation. On one hand, the hand-painted character portraits and backgrounds in the game are quite well done but they don't have a single Animation that moves Them static. Simply The Game will Not fit anyone and it's taste is not For Anyone, In the end, Unlimited SaGa is simply the flawed sum of its disparate parts. Every aspect of the game, from the combat mechanics to the movement to the technical execution of the graphics, is lacking in some regard, and when you add these elements together, you get a game that's simply unpleasant to play as GS Said, It's Very Unpleasant to play This Game. And if you Enjoy RPG's you could simply buy one of the best Series of RPG's which Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts, They will suit you just Right. Cheers, Pumpkin Head