Spec Ops missions with great controls.

User Rating: 8.5 | Unit 13 VITA
I was very impressed with how well this game controls. The gameplay feels accurate and that's what makes me willing to spend time playing any game. The bite-sized Spec Ops missions are fun and feel like realistic military objectives. Most missions last 5-10 minutes and update your high scores to an online leaderboard every time you play. Which gives your favorite missions a lot of replayablility.

You can choose from six different characters, all of whom have different weapons and different attributes. I usually use the suggested character, but sometimes it's just fun to pick the run-and-gun guy and go crazy on the enemy. Graphics look damn good for a handheld system, and I've had a great time playing this game. It was everything I thought it was going to be and the controls were even better than I was expecting. Because of the online scoring and online co-op this game will just be FUN to play for a long time to come.