Better than most puzzle games and third person shooter's, this is a great game.

User Rating: 8.5 | Uncharted: Drake's Fortune PS3
You're a treasure hunter, in the pacific, getting some treasure. No it ain't Laura it's Drake, Nathan Drake.

The gameplay consist's of cover and shoot. basic. You =have a primary weapon eg. AK47 or a shotgun, a pistol and a grenade. The AI is great and will flank you from all sides constantly. You need to use cover or else you'll die pretty quickly.The controls will take some getting used to initially, especially if you play alot of FPS'S. Its up to reload, circle to cover etc.

The visuals are beautiful and you won't find many - if any at all- of those muddy 2d areas.

The story is pretty immersive. You need to watch the ctscenes and play the game over again when your done to figure it out completely. I'm not saying any spoilers but let's just say it takes a turn like far cry.......

The puzzles are smart and can take the best out of the sudoko kings. You have a little handbook to help you along most of the way.

I have few complaints for this game except you can get stuck alot of times and have to wait upwards of 5 minutes to get a hint outside puzzle's.