Despite the cheap A.i., the DS version of the popular violent fighting game is excellent.

User Rating: 8 | Ultimate Mortal Kombat DS
Since 1995, Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 has been the best title in the series, with it's out of sight finishing moves, unlockable characters and features. Now, there is a version of the game available for the Nintendo DS, with a few extras.

The graphics in this game are arcade perfect, which isn't saying mych, given that the DS is capable of 3D graphics, but come off as awesome. There is a ton of blood shedded during the 3-round battles, so this is definatly not a game intended for younger players.

Sound wise, the game is excellent. All of the music and sound effects from the arcade game are there, including the various voice clips of the characters and the commentator saying "Finish Him/Her" when the match has been won.

On the control side, the game is pretty suitable for the button layout for the DS, using all six buttons, including the L button for the run feature, which is needed to pull off some very tricky combos and to avoid the opponent's barrage of attacks.

Gameplay wise, it is good. The single player mode is subpar, due to the excessive cheapness of the A.I., with it spamming throws and blocking every time you attack. Also, the Puzzle Kombat minigame that is included is only meant as a slight 10 minute diversion and nothing else.

What makes the gameplay what it is, however, is the ability to play against other players from around the world, via the Nintendo WiFi Connection. You can also search for players whose rating is close to your level, which adds a sense of parity to the experience. While there is some lag during online play, it is an excellent experience, nonetheless.

Overall, Ultimate Mortal Komat is the best fighting game you can play on the Nintendo DS. No other fighting game comes close to this excellence that game brings on the popular Nintendo handheld.