Pull off an Animality...for the millionth time!

User Rating: 7 | Ultimate Mortal Kombat DS
Midway's first MK title on the DS is a good one, but not the best. Mainly because it's another damn port of UMK3. I enjoy UMK3, really I do, but I am getting tired of it being ported to every console.

Of course, the game isn't just UMK3. Oh no! MK Deception's addictive Puzzle Kombat is also packaged! There's a plus!

Gameplay is what we've come to love about Mortal Kombat. Bashing each others guts out and then finishing off with a satisfying fatality. Simple and straight-forward.

The graphics in UMK for both games are great! UMK3 has improved on the portable, especially after the horrid MK Advance. Puzzle Kombat's graphics are also good for a DS title.

Sound quality is also great. You'll feel like you're playing at the arcade. However, you can still tell that some tracks are on the level of DS quality.

The game's main problem (other than being another port) is it's difficulty. Only true MK veterans can beat UMK3. Yes the AI is that hard. The first three fights are easy, but by the fourth fight the game kicks it into high gear. Puzzle Fighter's difficulty can be changed at the options menu, but UMK3 does not have the option. Bummer. However, UMK3's difficulty is lowered a bit with the addition of a special moves screen. This screen displays each fighters specials and fatalities during play. Even with that, performing a fatality is still near impossible. Midway should have just allowed the player to activate one by taping the touch screen.

I personally hoped that Midway would have packaged Chess Kombat with Puzzle Kombat, instead of UMK3. Hell, I bet the DS has enough memory to hold Deception's Konquest mode! Now that would be something!

Ultimate Mortal Kombat is good, but not great. It's still worth taking a look at.