All about the multiplayer!!!

User Rating: 9.5 | Ultimate Mortal Kombat DS
i love this game... plain and simple its just awesome, the characters stages fatalities u name it and this game has it, i had this same game for the X360 and i have to say this is a worthy port and midways way of saying sorry that we made MK:Advance

at the start of the game you have 2 choices: the regular version of Ultimate mortal kombat or puzzle kombat which was introduced in mortal kombat deception (i think it was).. which makes the game even more worth your money,
the only problem i have with puzzle combat is it just take too damn LONG!... i mean jesus it takes forever to end 1 round, after playing 3 matches you get tired of flipping reds and blues over and over again

the WIFI in this game is SOLID, but lag did occur in some of the recent games ive played, while this to me is not a big problem, it would be better if the game dident freeze when im trying to do a fatality..... speaking of fatalities im the one mostly being the victim as i just plain suck at this game i mean, damn... wow i knew i was bad but not like this, nevertheless i stick it out and play a few rounds but this game is punishing

overall 9.5/10 ******check my GS page for all my friend codes*****