There is not enough in this to be called "Ultimate" Band.

User Rating: 6 | Ultimate Band WII
This game is way to easy to be called Ultimate band.This game is no where near better then Guitar hero or rock band.In this game you cant even sing you just tap on the wii remote.This is not a boring game.But this is not the best Wii game it is a ok wii game.What makes this game ok is some of the songs but not all of them.I would rent this first instead of buying it because if you buy it you might trade it in the next day or two.This is not that bad of a game but this could of been harder and better.If you have a choice of getting this or rock revolution get rock revolution because that game is better then this game.The songs is what makes this a 6.0 out of 10.The guitar:ok Microphone:Just taping on the top of the wii remote:Drums:makes the game worth it Songs:Also makes the game worth it.I am not saying this is a horrible game but it could be better.